Website content for Guru


In 2015, Guru was a startup with a unique vision on how to help museums and cultural institutions digitize their content and help provide visitors a more immersive experience. However, Guru lacked a website to market its services and reach a wider pool of prospective clients.


Build an online presence for Guru to build brand love, market its services, and showcase successful case studies. I partnered with another writer to create the company’s website copy.


May 2015 - June 2015


CEO, Creative Director, Product Designers, Project Manager, UX Writer

My Role: Copywriter

As the copywriter, I developed the following copy for Guru’s website:

  • Headlines that stuck to clear single words or short phrases that delivered and emphasized the key message of a place

  • Subheaders as brief and concise phrases to help visitors quickly scan text to determine relevancy

  • Body copy that prioritized mobile interfaces and the need to keep text short and concise so as not to create cognitive overload for visitors

  • Taglines that were thought-provoking and emulated Guru’s playful, attention-grabbing voice

  • One-word text menus that used nouns to mark the destination visitors can follow

  • CTA copy that give strong and direct instructions of what visitors can do next


  • Guru achieved a strong online presence that helped make connections with prospective clients

  • In 2015, two clients that ended up signing with Guru first learned of the company’s services through the company website


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