Hulu Contact Page Redesign


Surveys showed that many Hulu customers prefer to solve an issue by themselves. However, Hulu’s old contact page was not giving customers enough guidance on how to find the tools needed to self-serve. The contact page redesign was the first step in a larger effort across Hulu to find smarter and easier ways to connect customers with the specific help they need.


Redesign Hulu’s contact page to help customers find the resources and contact channels best suited to address their questions and issues — and, in the process, decrease the number of contacts.


August 2019 - December 2019


Product Designer, Support Product Manager, Content Strategist, Content Manager, Associate Legal Counsel


The new contact page would work as follows:

  • User picks the topic and subtopic most relevant to their question

  • Hulu reveals “answer boxes” with curated content:

    • While some questions can be answered by reading a short article, others require more in-depth explanations or the need to take action via an account page

    • Depending on the topic selection, “answer boxes” will suggest whatever resource is most likely to help customers resolve their issue

  • Customer reviews “answer box.” If they still need help, they can use the search bar to look for more answers or select I Still Need Help

  • If customer selects I Still Need Help, Hulu will recommend one of its contact channels (e.g. live chat)

My Role: UX Writer

  • Reworded topics and subtopics, favoring clear, simple language over industry jargon

    • Example: Content on Hulu became TV, Channels & Movies on Hulu

  • Identified the best resources to feature in the “answer boxes” for each of the topic/subtopic combinations (a total of 29)

  • Designed three different kinds of templates for our “answer boxes”:

    • Template #1: Article offer

      • Used for questions that can be answered by a specific article

    • Template #2: HuluBot offer

      • Used for questions where HuluBot is the best resource

    • Template #3: Direct link offer

      • Used for cases that benefit from visiting another Hulu site (e.g. account page)

  • Wrote UI copy for “answer boxes” that guide users to where to look for answers and solutions

    • #Character(count)matters: Copy should be tight and ruthlessly efficient as possible. The “answer” had to fit on a standard phone screen without scrolling. This meant staying under 100 words / 500 characters / 17 lines of text

  • Translated all copy to Spanish for Hulu’s Spanish-language help center

  • Participated in user acceptance testing

Part I: User arrives and selects main topic

The image to the left is the first screen users see when they arrive at Hulu’s Contact Page. I wrote the text found in the numbered elements.

  1. Alerts inform users about events that could impact wait times. This helps manage user expectations and reduce frustration.

  2. Header and subhead reassure users that, by going through the topic selection, Hulu will equip them with the best support.

  3. The six main topics encapsulate the entire user journey at Hulu. They were determined based on user testing.

Screen Shot 2021-04-17 at 3.55.30 PM.png

Part II: User selects secondary topic

  1. User selects main topic. For instance, user may select Getting Started if they’d like to know how to sign up for Hulu.

  2. Each main topic cascades into secondary topics. By having the user narrow their search, Hulu is able to more accurately identify the best resources to help answer their question.

Part III: Hulu reveals “answer box”

After topic selection, Hulu reveals an “answer box.”

I wrote UI copy for 29 different answer boxes, which include:

  1. Headline and body present information in a way that holds the user’s hand and helps them understand what they’re seeing.

  2. Links with configurable text that direct users to help articles.

  3. Search tool that allows users to search our Help Center if the “answer box” did not address their concern.

  4. “I Still Need Help” button that suggests contact channels.

Part IV: User discovers several ways to contact Hulu

If user selects “I Still Need Help,” Hulu reveals cards with different ways to get in touch with customer service.

I wrote copy for all of these tiles and worked with the Content Strategist to decide which ones to highlight as the “Recommended” based on user’s topic selections.


After the redesign, Hulu’s deflection rates increased by 8 percentage points, from 38% to 46%. This meant that almost half of the visitors to the new contact page ended up finding the answers they’re looking for in the “answer boxes” — thereby eliminating the need to initiate contact with our customer service team.


Hulu Help Center Redesign


UI Copy for SDMA App