Hulu Help Center Redesign


Hulu’s original help center did not embody the Hulu brand and did not align with the look and feel established across all other Hulu products, including marketing and in-app experiences.


Align with Hulu branding in order to build brand love with customers, and enhance the site’s navigational experience to get visitors the help they need in the fastest and easiest way.


July 2020 - February 2021


Product Designer, Support Product Manager, Associate Product Manager, Digital Content Editor, Digital Content Strategist, Associate Legal Counsel

My Role: UX Writer

  • Wrote all UX copy for the help center, ensuring that copy was short, empathetic, and conversational to align with Hulu’s brand and tone

  • Used our Information Architecture to label six overarching Help Topics that would help visitors shorten their help center search and thereby get them to the right article(s) much faster

  • Wrote short descriptions for each of the main Help Topics — including web and mobile versions of the copy to optimize for device size — that make searching for the right article more intuitive and effortless for visitors

  • Determined Featured Articles on the home page based on customer feedback and page traffic

    • Identified 23 different audiences to target based on subscription plan, billing method, registered devices, and authentication status

    • Customized Featured Articles on the home page for each type of audience

    • Wrote UX copy for Featured Articles that use “human language” as opposed to industry jargon

  • Partnered with Content Editor to review all copy for tone and style

  • Translated all UX copy to Spanish for Hulu's Spanish-language help center


With the redesign, the Hulu Help Center now optimizes speed and efficiency, provides an intuitive and effortless user interface, makes help easily accessible, anticipates needs and delivers value to the user, and helps drive consistency across Hulu channels.

  • The total daily page-views increased by 54% following the redesign launch

  • There has been a relatively low impact on total users so far, meaning that about the same number of users are reaching the site — they’re just exploring more pages now

  • Results indicate that the redesign could be helping visitors discover more content within the help center


Hulu Contact Page Redesign